By Christian Harris | August 13th, 2016
So how do I follow up last month’s email about having essential been “fired” from my last brokerage for warning my clients about unethical agents in my new book? It still blows my mind that this was the decision my previous managing broker choose to make, instead of dealing with the unethical agents in the office who were causing the fuss.
But C’est la vie…

On to bigger and better things...!

I’m absolutely loving the energy, forward thinking culture and opportunities at my new brokerage, Live Property Solutions. It’s always scary making a change because you don’t know how it’s going to turn out and it’s easier to stick with what you know (even if it sucks… or sometimes you don’t even know that it sucks), rather than transition to something new (even if you know it’s going to be way better). It can be quite scary making a change.

So along with life being great because I’m at a new brokerage, I also just got back from a 2 week family vacation on the East Coast with my wife’s family. We flew in to North Carolina and then drove 5+ hours with me, my wife, our 5 year-old son & 91 year old grandma… that's right, Jenny's grandma is 91 and still getting around, crackin’ jokes and loving life! She swears to us that the secret to her longevity is drinking a Dr. Pepper a day. Apparently, Jenny has some good genes in the family! The whole family (Jenny’s mom, dad, brother, his wife & 4 daughters and the aforementioned lot in our vehicle) stayed at a nice lake house cabin on a Mt. lake outside Ashville, NC. It was very nice and relaxing to get away for a while… except for when it wasn’t…
Of course 2 days into the trip, my computer crashed! Fortunately, I keep all my work files in Dropbox, so hadn't lost anything and still had access to everything I needed. Where we were staying had no cell service and so the business calls I had to make were over internet VOIP apps and were constantly dropping calls. On top of that, I had multiple real estate deals requiring a high level of attention, in progress during this time but luckily and despite my limited connectivity with the rest of the world, my business partner at my new brokerage handled everything for me flawlessly… all that stressing out while on vacation for nothing.

Did I also mention that my wife and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary while on the East Coast. Her family generously offered to watch our son while we took a few days to ourselves to celebrate. This was the best part of the trip. We drove to Charleston, SC and spent 3 days relaxing, sleeping in, eating delicious food, walking around the awesome old historic downtown, eating more delicious food and even spending a day at the beach with some Seattle friends who happened to be down there visiting their family too. Such good times! 

Now that I’m back in town and all rested up… I’ve got so much that I need to do and I'm super excited to get started!

I’m back at the helm of my businesses ship, I can truly determine the direction and quality of my business now. I can focus on running my business better and not being dragged down by all the group think of “this is how real estate is done”. I can now fully use my exceptional methods, resulting in exceptional service and not be worried about who in my office is going to try and sabotage me and my business because I’m not towing the brokerage’s party line…
I no longer have to worry about any of that and can focus on the $100 per hour or $1,000 per hour activities instead of the $5 per hour activities. “What does that mean”, you ask? I’m developing out platforms and business strategies, not wasting my time on menial pipeline sales tactics that the RE industry has touted for decades, all with shoddy ROI.
I’m developing big picture, long term systems. Gone are the days of being hassled by other agents for doing things differently and "making them look bad"… I’m actually encouraged and inspired daily to NOT be like the other agents. Because frankly, we all know that agents and brokerage are largely indistinguishable from one each other. They all seem to provide the same services, in the same way using the same methods… this makes them a commodity, which is not a good thing in a service industry like real estate.

All this brings me to how my new found freedom at this brokerage has truly set me free to put together a remarkable team, and fine tune my methods and systems in order to really be able to provide a consistently high level of exceptional service to my clients... both buyers and sellers.

My clients have come to expect this standard of exceptional service and results from me.

I only deal with the best in this industry and have set up a team of other “rogue” professionals to help serve my clients. They too are committed to serving their clients better and running their business different than others in their industry. Check them out at the following links:

My Preferred Home Contractors

My Preferred Home Services & Maintenance

Enjoy the rest of your summer here in the beautiful North West and let me know how I can serve you!
Until next time, be well.
PS. Want to see check out the “infamous” book that got me fired for calling out the unethicals in my industry? I wrote this book to document my unique approach in helping my clients sell their homes.
CLICK HERE to order your FREE copy today.